A Promising Season Starting

     Summer is over, good growing weather is here!  One of the fields which fronts highway 40 is a sea of cucumbers & winter squash vines!  The first  cucumbers & baby bok choy got sent  out to Love Whole Foods & Access to Organics.   I should be harvesting cukes for a few more weeks & plan to bring some to the OCT Farmers Market @ the Stetson University campus NEXT SUNDAY!   Baby bok choy should be in season through the spring, and coming in November just in time for Thanksgiving we should have beans, kale, collards, & 3 kinds of winter squash including a Mexican Pumpkin & a Florida Native American squash.  Stay in touch & if you want large quantities of squash contact me as they could sell out fast!  Watch for weekly blog updates.  I am not promising, but am going to make a sincere effort to plan in farm blog time into my schedule. 


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