Farm interns from Stetson University

In the fall of 2010 we had our first intern at our farm.  Lauren became like a member of our family, spending many hours out in the fields doing various farm activities, taking photos, counting squashes, transplanting and seeding.  A member of the Stetson Hatter Harvesters, she encouraged us to join the Stetson Farmers Market that eventually provided the seed of inspiration which grew into the Artisan Alley Farmer's Market.  Lauren got a taste of farming and a college credit, we got helping hands.  It was a big win win and we still are in touch with Lauren.  Thanks to that very positive experience we have continued to offer intern positions and have been extremely happy with all of our interns since:  Kristina, Maria and Audrey.  2014 has given us 2 new very promising interns:  Nicki and Ali and we are really excited about having them.   Stay tuned for posts by them sharing a slice of farm life from their eyes!   


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