if you love Kale you will love our tender Turnip Greens

TURNIPS GREENS SO GOOD....not a touch of bitterness in ours!
I hope this winter will be the year of the tender turnip green. Just as folks have rediscovered how delicious kales can be, I am predicting that turnip greens are about to have their turn at a taste bud turn over! As much as we love kales and collards, chard and spinach, they just don't always love to grow on our central Florida farm. The last three years of poor yields for kales and collards especially  lead us to bring back turnips greens this fall. We were surprised and delighted to see the second seeding take off with  tender tops now waving happily above the tiny developing tubers. The conventional method of growing the classic purple top turnip is mainly seeking to harvest the root. While we do hope to get some turnip roots, we have been thinning our plants each week and have found that the young greens are every bit as good as any other baby greens.

FOR THE BEST TURNIP GREENS EVER Simply trim off the undeveloped root, wash and roughly chop the greens with their stems and drop them in a large pot of boiling water. Boil your greens UNCOVERED for 10 minutes (no strong odors!). Drain the greens when tender and set aside. Plump a handful of GOLDEN raisins in a bit of warm water. Pour off extra liquid. In a good sized frying pan saute some sliced onion in several tablespoons of olive oil until tender and slightly carmelized. Toss the greens with onions in the pan. Add raisins, salt and pepper to taste and a little fresh grated nutmeg. That's it. Prepare for turnip green heaven!


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