Our "go to" favorite farm salad dressing

Mediterranean Lemon & Garlic Salad Dressing 
My mom made our salad dressing like this all the time although she claims she didn't use any sweeteners. It is the perfect compliment to our spring mix , arugula and LETTUCES! Crumble some feta cheese on top to make it even better!
(makes 2 1/4 cups, easy to make half recipe)

2 cloves garlic

2 1/2  lemons
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp locally produced honey
2 cups canola oil

DIRECTIONS: Mince garlic and crush with the back of a spoon in a medium sized mixing bowl.  Squeeze lemons and add juice to bowl.  Stir in salt, pepper and honey.  Blend well. Slowly whisk in oil pouring it into bowl in a thin stream.  Store in a glass jar.  Use within 5 days.


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