Welcome November Greens!

Spring Mix  hand cut &triple rinsed
We have just begun to harvest our fall lettuce & greens mix so get your salad bowls ready all you greens starved southerners!  Our lettuce and greens mix which we have always called "spring mix" is a customers favorite farm product. The harvest window for it generally runs from Thanksgiving through Mother's Day so we are just a bit earlier than usual. How nice! We really enjoy it with a simple dressing made with fresh garlic, oil and lemon juice. For instructions click on our recipe & tips tab at the top of this page. Look for "Mediterranean lemon dresssing"

Some things early, some things late. We just seeded our tatsoi and turnips are still about 30 days away. Peas and radishes are very late as well but the healthy sweet potato vines look promising and we have every hope of having  lots of sweet potatoes in time for thanksgiving feasts.

Hibiscus flowers are tapering off quickly. Last chance to get them may be next week. Still a chance to try them in a southern style "cranberry sauce"( check out our recipe) The beautiful plants yielded generously! Next year we really ought to plan a hibiscus festival to share and expand our knowledge on the many ways to use them.  

The wild beauty berries are drying up on the bushes. The birds will pick at them all winter. We were able to get a nice share already and we can enjoy the syrup we made for many months. You can too! We will have plenty of jars at the farmers market on Friday evenings. 


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