
Showing posts from November, 2011

Greens & Beans ready soon

NOVEMBER IS NICE!!!   The weather is just so great for working outdoors!  And plants love it too!  Well some of the veggies, the cukes, zukes & winter squash are showing signs of stress from a few cold evenings in the upper 40's and  that's to be expected, but the little collard and Russian kale plants are starting to take off, the first lettuces are finally  looking happy & the  broccoli that struggled after being transplanted in the september heat is now knee high! As for my latest harvest news, I have begun bringing baby arugula to my retail customers (go get your bag!)  and it won't be long before the spring mix that everyone is craving is ready (expect it around Thanksgiving although there may be a few early bags out there as early as next week).  With Thanksgiving just a few weeks away I am checking my bean plants often.  We  should have be...