Produce Available

Scroll down to view photos of the vegetables we grow.  All photos were taken on our farm


 Hibiscus Leaves 
  available july-august

 Sometimes called sour greens or sour herb, one of the few greens that we can harvest in the heat of summer in Florida.  They have a pleasantly tart flavor fresh and cooked. Best known in tropical parts of the world and sometimes cooked into curries or seafood stews. 

They can be used as wrappers for foods as you would use grape leaves. They cook very quickly and are tender when they turn dull green. Go to our tips and recipes page for our stuffed hibiscus leaves recipe. These are sold by the bunch at our farmers market booth.

Baby Arugula..
 available September-June

A slightly spicy specialty green sometimes included in our spring mix and also sold in 4 oz bags.   Our baby arugula is triple washed & spun dry.   It adds an interesting fresh touch to any salad and is wonderful chopped lightly & mixed into pasta with marinara sauce or sun dried tomatoes.    At our farmers market stands we also sell arugula by the bunch

Slicing Cucumbers..
 available September-October, May-June

Crisp and wax free. The goodness of a fresh picked cucumber is surprising and wonderful! Although years back we were producing large crops, growing cucumbers has become a challenge and harvests are unpredictable. We currently are limited to small plantings in order to minimize loss and to allow for crop diversity and rotations. Most of the harvest goes to our farmers market booth. 

Japanese Turnips..

available October-March

Mild flavored root especially good sliced into salads.  Add the greens to your salads as well. Like so many roots, these are very nice peeled and roasted with a little butter and olive oil.



  Fresh Green Beans..

available November-December, May-June

tender and always stringless,  great real bean flavor. We always try to have green beans in time for Thanksgiving. Spring plantings are sometimes skipped if we are too busy with other crops, but if you get our beans you won't be disappointed!

Rosemary..keeps for weeks in fridge.   Great with chicken.  For a recipe idea try:   "Lemony Herbed Chicken Wings"  on our tips and recipes page 






 West Indies Pumpkin (Calabasa)

A Latin American delicacy, sweet tasting & very smooth texture.  Tastes similar to sweet potato.   Excellent for baking, cooking, mashing etc. 

Spring Mix
available November-May

Our signature mix is a blend of red and green oak leaf and romaine lettuces plus seasonal baby greens.  Very fresh tasting, triple-washed, hand packed and keeps for 7 or more days. Comes in an 8 oz bag.

 Spring Mix has been one of our most popular farm products since we first began to tiny farm in 1998. It has been served by some of the finest restaurants in Ormond Beach  and Daytona Beach. These days we sell it in smaller amounts perfect for home cooks and busy folks. We are often complimented on how well it stores and its amazing fresh taste and pleasing texture. Our favorite dressing is a simple one made with fresh squeezed lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper and oil. The recipe is described on our tips and recipes page.


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